About Me

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I am 19 years old studying Marketing and Public Relations and loving it! I want to travel and finally finish my degree and perhaps do another degree in professional writing as well! Who knows what the future holds!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Blog

Hello, this is my first blog and this is what i think regarding the questions...

 Learning 2.0 will help me to understand what the meaning of online communication can mean for library's and their users. it is also vital to create another commnuication window as this helps enhance relationships with customers. It will teach me somethings i did not know about the internet and what it can hold for businesses. As I study public relations at university online communication tools is even more demanding and can be a gateway into another revolution of technology.

Lifelong Learning I think is great way to help anyone who may struggle with using computers and the internet. I think it teaches you to keep your mind active, learn new things everyday and can even be quite fulfilling when achieving something you did not know you could do.

I have looked at blogs online, and think that they are helpful and informative. It creates relationships between poeple online and is great to communicate and find out different things.

I think blogs will be very useful for a library. It will allow borrowers to communicate online outside of the library about books, opinons, thoughts and perhaps teach other people different things.
It will allow people to communicate with staff and people from other libraries.

Blogging for a client audience can create a massive advantage so others can see lots of interaction and people feel comfortable talking to various client audiences about there own experiences!

Carla :)


  1. Hi Carla, I agree with you, Blogs are great to assist staff and the community to stay in touch. Great Blog :)

  2. Yeah! Blogs ROCK! And so forth, Woo blogs. great post Carla (if that IS your real name.. ;) )
