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I am 19 years old studying Marketing and Public Relations and loving it! I want to travel and finally finish my degree and perhaps do another degree in professional writing as well! Who knows what the future holds!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

blog 9- Librarything!

Library thing- is a good way to tell me I should make time to read more books!

I placed 5 on the my account as requested!

This is a good way for people to communicate with one another about different books, this would encourage people to talk about their thoughts, experiences and what reading can do for individuals.


this is my library thing!

-my books!!



  1. You are well organised to itemise your blogs systenmatically. I just learnt that I "owed" a dozens of "comments" - just not sure if my "comments' on 5 other blocks after each lesson were not properly registered and gone astrayed over the Christmas time or not.

  2. I agree that librarything inspired me to read more. Browsing all those titles. All I need now is more time.
